“Networking: Palestinian Youth, Agents of Social Transformation” project
“Networking: Palestinian Youth, Agents of Social Transformation” project aims to strengthen the political participation of Palestinian youth, especially university women and reinforce their presence in the democratic processes of the university, consolidating a network of leaders and social leaders of transformation.
This project is implemented by The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development—REFORM, in partnership with the Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP) and supported by Ayuntamiento de Castellón.
Budget: 28,000 Euros
Enhance Palestinian political and social engagement, focusing on women, to support democratic processes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Promote political, social, and egalitarian involvement of young Palestinian women in democratic processes at Al-Quds Open University’s Ramallah, Nablus, and Hebron campuses
60 right holders have strengthened their mobilising character by recognising their role as agents of social transformation in three student communities (Ramallah, Nablus and Hebron) of the Open University of Al Quds
8 of the rights-holders have recognised their right to participate in the construction of alternative spaces and proposals for university political participation