This transformative experience unfolded during a five-day learning journey organised by REFORM in the field of social transformation, titled "Empowering Youth in Shaping National Development Plans." The training brought together 25 young and dynamic community activists, who are beneficiaries of the "United in Diversity IIII" project, to engage in the "Facilitating Reform" methodology.

The learning journey began with introducing the participants to the terms of social transformation and examining the reality surrounding youths' work by addressing the cultural and structural depth that regulates their work in various sectors. They also definined cases of societal conflict, its causes and impact on youths' participation in public life. During the learning journey, the participants became acquainted with a number of values regulating youths' work and participation in society, such as the need to strengthen the role of Palestinian youth and their participation in crucial decisions in social and political life.

The beneficiary, Sana Zaqzouq, enthusiastically shared her experience with REFORM's training on social transformation methodology. She expressed how the training significantly enhanced her analytical skills and equipped her to effectively address various issues. As a result of the training, Sana developed a profound understanding of the challenges faced by her local community and gained valuable insights into ways to promote the principles of good governance within public institutions. The knowledge and expertise she acquired have empowered her to make a positive and lasting impact on her community's well-being.

Bayram Ghazal, the project's beneficiary, expressed his profound appreciation for the training's focus on empowering youth to actively participate in shaping national development plans. Through this transformative experience, a strong bond was forged amongst the participants, driven by a shared vision and a heightened enthusiasm for advocating their inclusion in vital decision-making processes that address their specific needs.

During the training, Bayram and his peers gained valuable insights into essential analysis tools for understanding deep cultural systems and the legal framework that governs the state's relationship with its citizens. As a result, they developed a deep understanding of the issues surrounding structural violence and cultural violence. This newfound awareness has empowered them to challenge and address such issues more effectively, fostering a collective determination to create positive societal changes. The training has equipped Bayram and his fellow participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a significant impact on the development and well-being of their communities and society as a whole.

This activity comes as part of the “United in Diversity IIII” project, implemented by the Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development–REFORM, in partnership with Norwegian People’s Aid. This project aims to promote young men and women’s participation in decision-making processes through monitoring plans and policies of organisations and holding local organisations accountable at the level of public policies that increase youth’s participation in public life.