24.9.2022 - Qalqilya | Within the “Youth Led Action - YLA” project, REFORM cultural café in Qalqilya discusses the 2nd volume of the book “Morning Talk” by Adham Al-Sharqawi. The attendees discussed the book and its topics by reflecting on similar experiences from their own lives.
Adam Daoud, a member of the cultural club, explained that the most important feature of the book is its diversity. This is an invitation for the reader to think positively and for him or her to actively work and participate.
The cultural café aims to bridge social polarisation between the society’s components. This is done by providing much needed safe interactive cultural spaces that enables youth to discuss the various challenges they constantly face. Through this, the youth develop their individual and collective skills in order to improve their living conditions and participate effectively.
This activity comes within the “Youth Led Action - YLA” project, implemented by The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development—REFORM, in partnership with (PARTII) Program-GIZ, implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This project aims to empower marginalised young men and women to become agents of change within their societies. It seeks to combat the shrinkage of civic spaces in Palestine by creating a set of platforms for social mobilisation, opening channels of communication between different social fault lines and challenging power dynamics and youth exclusion. The project works to pave the way for structural change by creating youth shadow councils in refugee camps as well as community initiatives, while involving young women and men in decision-making processes and policies.