The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Development—REFORM organized the fourth meeting within the REFORM Cultural Café in Jenin camp, to discuss the novel “Butterfly Collector” by John Fowles, with the participation of the youth Cultural Café group. They addressed the social and cultural issues related to youth in order to find solutions to the various challenges they face together and to enable them to develop their individual and collective skills to design interventions that help them play an active role in their communities. They addressed the social and cultural issues related to youth in order to find solutions to the various challenges they face together and to enable them to develop their individual and collective skills to design interventions that help them play an active role in their communities.
"The Butterfly Collector" discusses the politics and motives that lead one to practice exclusionary behavior and the search for lost value by robbing others' lives and squandering their dreams, in pursuit of self-realization. Fowles draws attention to the importance of the family aspect in shaping the personality of the individual in complex societies because the child who is raised in a broken family finds himself/herself in the paths of loss and ignorance. This leads to dealing with others on the basis of marginalization, which may sow hatred against the innocent, giving the illusion that society has wronged him/her, and that s/he practices distortion and criminalization against him/her without having any choice in the matter.
This activity comes within the “Youth Led Action” project, implemented by The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development—REFORM, in partnership with(PARTII) Programme-GIZ, implemented on behalf of theGerman Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This project aims to empower marginalised young men and women to become agents of change within their societies and to combat the shrinkage of civic spaces in Palestine by creating a set of platforms for social mobilisation.