Written by: Rajab Abu Sariyya

At the beginning of 2011, a spark ignited in the Arab world, starting in Tunisia, known as the Arab Spring. It symbolized a desire to renew Arab society and bring it back to life after decades of stagnation under tyrannical individual regimes. Peaceful popular protests became both a manifestation of this desire and a tool for change. This shift occurred because politics had long been dominated by societal elites, whether they were political parties, military forces, security services, or others. Although the Arab Spring did not fully achieve the aspirations of the Arab peoples, its effects still resonate today. In other parts of the world, similar popular protests emerged, although not on the scale of the Arab Spring. Nonetheless, these protests hinted at a global sentiment, with people almost echoing the slogan, "The peoples want to change the world order."

The global system has appeared increasingly incapable of responding to global changes, particularly since the end of the Cold War over three decades ago. The communications revolution, which accompanied this era, notably through social media, played a significant role in empowering Arab youth during the Arab Spring. This revolution made it more challenging for national or international systems and security agencies to control people. The ease of news transmission and interaction among individuals has made it increasingly difficult for security services, both locally and globally, to withhold information from the public. Just as the Arab Spring was ignited by a spark, embodied by Mohamed Bouazizi, whose self-immolation symbolized the corruption and tyranny in his country, the world requires a significant catalyst to declare a global awakening, protesting against the current unipolar world order. This order, influenced heavily by the United States, often disregards the democratic aspirations of peoples and is governed by the UN Security Council, which acts as a global, authoritarian government. For such a global awakening to occur, there needs to be a clear and flagrant example demonstrating the broken nature of the current global system. Sacrifices, like those seen in the war on Gaza, can act as fuel, igniting the anger of peoples and leading to a broader awakening. Just as Bouazizi's self-immolation sparked the Arab Spring, events like the war on Gaza can be seen as igniting a potential global awakening. 

Young people have historically been the vanguard of change and revolution, and this truth is once again evident today, as American university students spearhead a global protest against the current global system. Beginning with the students of the University of California and spreading to other universities, these students have taken on a leadership role. They are fueled by a sense of responsibility, particularly as their country, the United States, plays a pivotal role in supporting the current world order and backs Israeli actions that many view as war crimes, especially the ongoing aggression on Gaza.

The aggression on Palestine—across Gaza, the West Bank, and occupied Jerusalem—underscores a larger global war between forces of oppression, tyranny, and global colonialism on one side, and Palestinian, Arab, and Islamic resistance, along with supporters worldwide, on the other. Despite numerous bloody conflicts post-World War II, none have garnered the global response seen with the Israeli aggression on Palestine. This aggression has spurred people around the world to protest, demanding an end to the Israeli actions. Several countries are now seeking to hold Israel accountable in international courts. The global outcry has been particularly prominent among students, with demonstrations expanding daily, especially in American universities. This movement highlights the power of youth in driving global change and challenging oppressive systems.

The significance of the student protests lies not in the number of detained American university students, which has surpassed two thousand, but rather in what this reveals about the state of American internal democracy. Firstly, the students are protesting on campus, and secondly, they are doing so peacefully, rendering accusations of anti-Semitism baseless and ignorant. The importance of the student revolution lies in the cumulative effect it will have on the internal American political landscape in the coming years. Today's university generation, in a decade, will be leading electoral campaigns; in two decades, its members will be candidates for state governorships and congressional seats. Perhaps, in three decades, some among them will even run for the presidency.

These developments are reshaping the landscape of internal politics, with opinion polls indicating a real shift in the Democratic Party's policies, especially concerning Israel's actions in Palestine. Despite Israel's establishment eight decades ago, it still relies on direct military, political, and financial support from the United States. The American administration's departure from the influence of Christian Zionism and its emancipation from the legacy of colonial world leadership, which views Israel as a key international tool, is significant.

Similar to Ukraine and Taiwan, though to a greater extent, the change initiated by the student revolution—reminiscent of the activism of their forebears against the American war in Vietnam five decades ago—is poised to compel Israel to change. This change would entail severing ties with its colonial past and transitioning into a peaceful state within natural and defined borders, aligning with the borders approved by the United Nations in 1948. This transformation would be conditional on the establishment of a Palestinian state and the return of Palestinian refugees. Failure to do so could lead Israel down the path of the apartheid regime in South Africa.

The global student revolution, currently influencing change in White House policy, has seen Joe Biden maintaining a firm stance against Israel's invasion of Rafah. He continues to pursue a prisoner and detainee exchange deal between Israel and Hamas, contrary to Benjamin Netanyahu's desires. This stance indicates a shift away from yielding to Netanyahu and the influence of the colonial Zionist lobby within America. This global revolution, extending to universities worldwide, is poised to raise the banner proclaiming, "The peoples want to change the world order," or perhaps, "The people want to overthrow the world order." This movement envisions a new world order where Israel is held accountable under international law and America is guided by the will of the international majority—a majority that consistently opposes the American delegate, whether in the Security Council or the General Assembly. Crucially, this new world order advocates for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, reflecting the global desire for a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli military occupation of Palestine.

It's surprising how current events align with John Collins' observations in 2011, during the Arab Spring, when he wrote "Global Palestine." He noted that Palestine's universal significance grows despite Palestinians' limited control over land. The student revolution in American universities has established a powerful equation: the United States bears full responsibility for the aggression on Gaza, countered by the responsibility shared by university students and a broad popular circle representing future American elites. This alliance emphasizes their shared responsibility with the Palestinian people in ending the war.

Today, the aggression has escalated to a global scale, highlighting that America's global system is the destination for all those seeking to dominate the world and establish tyrannical regimes, even if their successes are temporary or partial. As a result, the dreams of Netanyahu and Ben Gvir are fading. Biden and Blinken will likely be remembered as figures who facilitated war crimes and conspired in a genocidal war, as highlighted by recent atrocities, broadcasted through satellite channels and YouTube, in the 21st century, amidst a global communications revolution.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author's views and not necessarily the Association's or donor's opinion.