Written by: Dr. Muhannad Abu Rjeelah If we first look at the global conditions surrounding the State of Palestine during the last twelve months, we have compared prices at the present time for all commodities in general and food[...]
Written by: Dr. Muhannad Abu Rjeelah If we first look at the global conditions surrounding the State of Palestine during the last twelve months, we have compared prices at the present time for all commodities in general and food[...]
Written by: Salah Eddin Ali Musa, Lawyer What is happening in the local elections represents a breakdown of the concept of a civil state and reflects the culmination of the national confusion about the role of local[...]
Written by: Abdul Rahman Al-Tamimi The provisions of Palestinian laws, the Document of Independence and the amended Palestinian Basic Law emphasized that women, as well as men, enjoy all rights under the principle of equality and[...]
Written by: Dr. Kifah Manasra, Expert in Criminology The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) issued a survey in the fourth quarter of 2020 to monitor the changes in key indicators related to the status of families[...]
Written by: Tamara Hadad The role of women in municipal councils is an important element in the sustainable development process. The Palestinian woman, in particular, believes that work is a national duty to serve her[...]